
The cadastre is the unitary and obligatory system of technical, economical and legal evidence of all the buildings on an administrative territory. The basic entities of this system are the plot, the construction and the owner.

Land tabulation, construction tabulation, cadastral data updates regarding lands and constructions, plot plans on large and very large areas (over 500 ha), changes in building boundaries, changes in building surfaces, adhesions, detachments, apartments, expropriations, bathymetry, etc.

Cartography is the discipline that deals with the preparation, editing of maps and topographic plans. The term comes from the French language, cartographie.

Geodesy is a branch of applied mathematics and earth sciences that establishes through observations and measurements the exact position of points, figures and areas of large portions of the earth’s surface, identifies the shape and size of the Earth and variations in gravity of Earth in three-dimensional space and time.

The engineering topography includes the measurements that are performed for the design, execution and operation of the constructions.

Drawing the property limits, drawing the design axes of the civil / industrial constructions, drawing the level elevations by the geometric leveling method.

Cadastre and topography works:

  • Location and Delimitation Plan (PAD)
  • Topographic Plan
  • Topographic measurements and calculations
  • Transverse and longitudinal profiles
  • Digitization and CAD
  • Construction drawings (axes / dimensions / points)
  • Drawing the property limit